“Heartwarming Video Shows Shelter Dog Thanking Rescuers with Grateful Hugs”


Just as a book’s worth cannot be determined by its cover, a dog’s true nature cannot be discerned by its fur. Sonny, a homeless dog, serves as an example of this truth, as his unbridled affection is obscured by his less-than-perfect exterior.

Sonny was discovered by Jackson County Animal Shelter (JCAS) in late March 2023 as a stray. Upon meeting the affectionate canine, the staff quickly noticed that his physical and emotional state was severely damaged.

“He just looked like he was about to give up,” Lydia Sattler, Jackson, Michigan’s animal services director, told The Dodo. “He looked broken in his eyes.”

Sonny had his ears clipped, overgrown nails, and a patchy coat, and tested positive for heartworms when he was found as a stray by Jackson County Animal Shelter in late March 2023. Despite being neglected by his previous family, Sonny harbored no resentment and was full of love, and though he had a long journey of healing ahead, he was ready to receive and give love.

The JCAS staff began treating Sonny right away, and he started showing gradual signs of improvement each day. Eventually, his caretakers noticed that his once-defeated spirit was starting to brighten up.

“You could literally see the life come back into his eyes as we were caring for him,” Sattler said.

As Sonny’s health improved, his caregivers discovered his loving nature. Whenever someone knelt down to his level, Sonny would nuzzle his head into their chest, seeking affection and staying there for as long as possible.

“He literally just wants to hug everyone,” Sattler said. “He just melts into you. It’s almost like he can’t get close enough.”

Sonny’s past life was known only to him, but his gratitude for being rescued was palpable to everyone. He would offer his warmest hugs to anyone, regardless of who they were, to express how thankful he was for his newfound life.

“With daily care and someone to love him, he’s gotten so much better,” Sattler said. “It’s like he’s grateful for it. I don’t know how to explain it, you can just feel it.”

Sonny is now available for adoption, but unfortunately, he is continuously being overlooked due to his appearance. Despite his caregivers at JCAS emphasizing how loving he is, potential adopters seem hesitant to give him a chance.

While it’s disheartening to see Sonny being overlooked by potential adopters, his caretakers remain optimistic that he will find a loving home soon. Sattler believes that it’s only a matter of time before Sonny’s inner beauty shines through and matches his outer appearance.

“He looks awful, but he’s gonna get better,” Sattler said. “His coat is gonna grow back, he’s gonna gain weight … his ears are never gonna be normal again, but that’s just an appearance.”

Before long, Sonny will be placed with a loving family of his own. Although JCAS staff will miss the warmth of his embrace, they’ll take solace in knowing that Sonny has finally found the perfect home.

“A perfect match for Sonny would be someone who has as gentle and loving of a spirit as he does so they could share that every day,” Sattler said. “That’s what he deserves.”

Sonny’s adoption fees have already been covered by a kind-hearted individual, and the shelter is committed to covering the full cost of his heartworm treatment once he is adopted. All he needs now is to find his perfect match.

Sattler and her team will continue to cherish Sonny’s affectionate nature and take comfort in his company until he finds his forever home. Although they have cared for numerous dogs before, Sonny holds a special place in their hearts.

“To meet Sonny is to love him,” Sattler said. “And the overwhelming love he has to share after being so neglected is incredible. He’s just so sweet.


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